Recent Catches At Meddybemps Lake

Jason Gibson
Almost.catch spit hook just as. I eas.pullinh em on to ice. But.getting.that far before even finished setting up, s 👍👍🤘🤘🎣🎣❄️❄️💯💯👊!!

Jason Gibson
Landon's first ever hard water catch decent chain sides👍👍🤘🤘🎣🎣💯💯👊!!

Jason Gibson
Little bit later, #2 same hole a little bigger slime dart👍👍🤘🤘🎣🎣❄️❄️💯💯👊!!

Jason Gibson
Finally on the board in 2025 with a little slime dart👍👍🤘🤘🎣🎣❄️❄️💯💯👊!!

Jason Gibson
#3. Bite was actually pretty decent this afternoon but a few weeks out of action I was a little rusty and only managed to get 3 Lil 1s in the boat👍👍🤘🤘🎣🎣💯💯👊!!

Jason Gibson

Jason Gibson

Jason Gibson