Recent Catches At Prairie Park Pond

Chris Danielson
5 all about the same size on a rooster tail

Jeff Kiley
I thought that the couple of fish I caught over the lunch hour were on the small side…I should have quit while I was ahead. Each consecutive bass I caught after work was smaller than the one before it. I was going to keep fishing, but at the rate I was going I would have been catching minnows on a spinnerbait. Tomorrow is another day.

Detreich Forcht
Nothing to special but hey.

Jeff Kiley
After a less than fulfilling experience at the new pond, I decided the day wasn’t over yet and made one more stop. Nothing of size, but a couple of catches to make me feel better about the day.

Jeff Kiley
Was in this lake’s neighborhood, and I heard a little voice say “hey Jeff, come see me”… who am I to say “no”, so I dropped in to make a couple casts. Glad I did. 2 decent sized largemouths, a couple runts, and a crappie within the span of 45 minutes. Not bad for an impromptu stop off. Going to head back towards home and see if any other bodies of water are calling out to me between here and there.

Joseph Kem
This guy was a fun fight.

Joseph Kem
Nothing to crazy

Cam M
Beautiful day. First trout caught this year on a rapala. Yes all smiles