Recent Catches At Jones Memorial Park Pond

Cam M
Fish #1 for the year, Big fAT ONE. About a month a head of last year for 1st day fishing

Cam M
I caught 1!!! Wow

Cam M
Caught 12 at lunch, one nice one

Cam M
Only 15 minutes to fish this morning. 1 bite, 1 fish! The new XPS lure works great, I used red colored one

Cam M
A little of everything today, 1 bass 2 crappies and 47 gills

Cam M
First nice bass out of this pond in awhile typically filled with panfish. Only had 20 minutes before work but the bass liked my tie. Lol. Caught 2 bass and 8 panfish

Cam M
Rain was coming in. Caught one, lost one. The one I lost took the drag out 50', dove into the weeds and escaped. Another successful plopper whopper day

Cam M
52 this morning, but also largest bass ever caught for me in Iowa. Interesting story. I caught a 3 or 4 in bass and saw a swirl so left it out there and the big bass swallowed it and I hooked it on the lip and brought it in with only 6 lb test line. I had the smallest of hooks. Took 10 min or so to get him up on shore without breaking the line. I guess bass EAT there young!!!