Recent Catches At Eden Prairie Pond

Eric Reimers
Yup he hit that Pompadour like a big boy 👍

Eric Reimers
Froggin in the slop

Eric Reimers
Whopper plopper and weed lines for big blowups 🔥🔥

Eric Reimers
Just wasn't my day for bass. Saw the wake come out of shallow water cover and just went ballistic on the whopper plopper

Eric Reimers
Talk about unexpected 🤔🤔 Channel cat on the Spro rat 40. Bomb cast down the shore line two cranks of the handle and kaboom. Didn't have a scale but guessing close to 8lbs

Eric Reimers
Shallow water rat eater

Eric Reimers
Running the plopper over some submerged vegetation for some rod bending fun 👍👍

Eric Reimers
Froggin 👍