Recent Catches At Jericho Lake

Juan Bernal
First catch of the season.

Scott Ballinger
Jericho Lake is a tough spot. Saw some low trees and casted underneath, great fight

Eliseo Diego
On tungsten jig

Scott Ballinger
Made my way around the lake, almost got skunked, then got a little guy on the spinnerbait. Tough day at Jericho.

Doug C.
Not much in the way of catches today, but it was a beautiful morning. One fighter on a lipless crankbait which I proceeded to lose on the next cast.

Brandon Edwards
Caught 10-15 little bluegils today hes becoming an angler!

Muffciple smith
well went get catfish and carp but no luck. just Largemouth bass. I guess it's a good problem to have 😂

Muffciple smith
#baitNWin channel cat