Recent Catches At Unnamed / Everglades Pkwy Waterways

Charles Mitchell
Nice bass came up and ate the 9inch bait 🙏

Charles Mitchell
Peacock bite was pretty good today, people throw expensive lures like glide baits, but all you really need is a weight, and good circle hook, and a piece of small soft plastic of your choice.

Charles Mitchell
Got this nice peacock in the castnet

Charles Mitchell
Nice pleco in the castnet, added it to my pool

Charles Mitchell
In the castnet along with 4 plecos I put inside my fish pool

Charles Mitchell
Not the fish I wanted to see in my castnet today

Charles Mitchell
He coulda been a 3 pounder but he was super skinny

Charles Mitchell
Nice bite today on the doa paddletail, havnt been getting much luck recently because of the cold front.