Recent Catches At Kendall Acres Lagoon

John Garcia
First one of the Year

Marco Garcia
Not a bad lunch break fish!

Marco Garcia
Caught 4 before work… a couple cichlids and a couple peacocks, kicking off the weekend in the right foot! Check out those teeth! 🦷

Marco Garcia
Got my pops a new rod for his birthday… I guess it works! We caught 4 today, and missed a couple more, the fish were active!!!!

Marco Garcia
66° outside! You bet I’ma go fishing! Cichlid bite was ON but couldn’t get the peas to bite, I saw like 5 of em’ PB orange fish that’s for sure! And this stripped one felt like a football 🏈

Marco Garcia
Didn’t go fishing this weekend… so I snuck in a quick two hour trip, nailed it!

Marco Garcia
My First Exotic Slam! (In catch order) #1 Mayan Cichlid - Broke the hook off my beetle spin, ate the bread right after #2 Oscar - Aggressively ate the bread caught him on the second cast at em’ #3 Butterfly Peacock Bass - Caught on a self painted feather jig, didn’t even reel it in just instant flipped it on the bank. I was woooing and yesssssing on the bank! Had a great time out on the water, all caught in just under two hours. Must have been doing something right, I will take notes lol 🎣 Tight Lines Everyone 🪝

Marco Garcia
Welp, Roostertails seem to be their worst nightmare!