Recent Catches At Eagle Lake

Kevin Felton

Derrick Stone
Found the large mouth flopping around on it's side. When I got close enough I noticed why. It had a big brim stuck in its mouth. I pulled the brim out and both of them swam away.

Derrick Stone
Better than work any day. Early morning catch.

Kevin Felton
Fun in the sun. STOP WISHING AND START FISHING. Blessings

Derek Eatmon
First catch of the day. Tilapia smacked my rattle trap pretty hard while fishing for bass. Lots of fun. He was a fighter.

Derik Wise
Off a silver and white trick worm near a submerged picnic table.

Adam Pierce
He slammed a little bluegill swimbait.

Ryan Blume
Off to a great start this morning. 15 mins in and 3 fish. Few more and I can have a good lunch!