Recent Catches At Caribbean Sea (US/PR)

Still_ iLL
First wahoo on a single breath. Went 1-2 with @lifebelowthesurface charters. Lost a 75-80 pounder but landed this 35# meat missile. Yeeeewwwwww!!!! Stoked!

Héctor Irizarry Torres

George Saber
School master while slow jigging

Blue runner.

Gustavo Droz
great barraxuda #trolling #puertorico

Joshua Ruiz
First porgy. one of my new favorates

Graham Eldred
2 Jacks on a homemade lure 2 miles offshore. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe they are bigeye trevally?

Graham Eldred
Went out on the kayak today and hit about 5 hind and 5 grouper, plus two much larger fish that peeled the line off and got away. All catch and release. Didn’t take the phone out for obvious reasons but was quite nice. First time fishing from a boat since moving here! About time!! Anyone have a boat they take out of Rincon area?? Send me a message!