Recent Catches At North Pacific Ocean (Spanish Bay)

Franciso Ramirez
First ever lingcod. Not a keeper but still an awesome fish to catch.

Caleb Cuzzin
Caught this at one my old spots from when i was a kid.

Edward Corella III
A day out with my buddy Josh Chisum..hopefully next time he gets to take a picture #Tightlines

Edward Corella III
Finally got my cuzzin Carlos on a FISH....#831BODYSNATCHERZ #Tightlines...KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!#FISHON!!!!

Edward Corella III
Dam right, it was a good day!!!#831BODYSNATCHERZ #Tightlines

Edward Corella III
Killed it today wish I had more was calling might go back tomorrow....#831BODYSNATCHERZ #Tightlines

Edward Corella III
3rd cast and last cast got these two....#831BODYSNATCHERZ #Tightlines

Mark Guseynov
The only fish of the day.... I think this is an eel.... no fish to eat, but the view was well worth it...