Recent Catches At Lewis Smith Lake

Gerald Ennis

Collin Quick
Caught another good one. Fish were super picky all day and only wanted to eat a dead sticked senko wacky. Casted and didn’t move the bait for about 2 min before this girl bit. Very interested in experimenting more with deadsticking but hard to have the patience. Has anyone tried to deadstick large topwater or large softbauts?

Collin Quick
Finally finished my summer semester and was able to get out and fish for the first time in a good while. Didn’t waste any time and got my buddy a new PB with a nice 7.0 lb and right before we left I stuck a 5. Great day with senkos and big blade chatterbaits

Alicia Graham

Merissa Mayhall
🎣 Tips/tricks in comments please!! 💙

Merissa Mayhall

Merissa Mayhall

Merissa Mayhall