Recent Catches At Jurong Lake

Alistair Ong
Small fish to end the month #Catch22

Alistair Ong
Spinning day setup #Catch22

Alistair Ong

Alistair Ong
When the pressure get tough but manage to catch one for the day. #Catch22

Alistair Ong

Alistair Ong
What a great day to use fly lure and catch fish

Alistair Ong
Wow!!! Another big one after so long time. Hook up 2 fish but landed only one. And I broke my rod jointing butt area, I didn't release it is a big and heavy fish. Oh well, lesson learnt. Time to get a fishing net to land fish.

Alistair Ong
3rd spot of my off day. Fish ON twice!! But landed with one. But good fight for both hahahaha. Fly fly all the way to go to increase my hook up ratio.