Recent Catches At North Pacific Ocean

Darryl H
Taking a break from the Manitoba ice fishing season to take in some sun in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, MX. with my brothers and uncle. Caught some Pacific Bonito and an Atlantic Cravalle Jack with Capt. Ramone. and even seen a Humpback Whale breach. Captian Ramone's brother Raphael set us up with the trip and made us fresh suviche on the beach when we returned with our catch. So delicious and authentic! What a terrific experience. That's a few items off of the bucket list!

Schron Clark

Schron Clark

Schron Clark

Schron Clark

JJ Woodley
Landed 7 species today + had a sailfish on but lost her

Mike Adam
First Sail after catching at least 50 marlin over the years. Fun experience. Got her back in the water fast.

Tristan Dames
Fish so nice they named it twice!!