Recent Catches At North Atlantic Ocean (Santa Clara)

Kieran Kidder
Just got back from an epic trip to Mille Lacs Lake Minnesota. Where I caught a 7.34lb smallmouthbass of a lifetime! FYI, the Minnesota State record is 8lbs. I live in South Florida, and live here because I love to chase Florida’s inshore species like snook, redfish, bonefish, and do some offshore fishing too. However I have a passion for catching smallmouth bass too, and have been doing 2-3 annual smallie trips for the last 10 years to Maine,Minnesota, and Michigan in pursuit of them. Back in 2014 I was fortunate enough to catch a 7.03lb(last pic) smallmouth in Traverse City Michigan area, and honestly never in a million years thought I would catch another 7+ behemoth again. So I am obviously over the moon and feel like I just hit the smallmouth lottery once again #grateful #lucky #smallmouthbass #millelacslake #megatron #exploreminnesota #catchandrelease

Kieran Kidder
The fattest snook I’ve ever caught 36lbs 46”s long and was 6”s wide at the shoulders #snookzilla