Fishing At

North Atlantic Ocean (Bay Montecristi)

2 Catches
North Atlantic Ocean (Bay Montecristi) is located in 19.863116, -71.821209. Download FishAngler to find the best places to fish at North Atlantic Ocean (Bay Montecristi). Get local fishing reports with detailed catch information, weather conditions, top baits and more.
Access & Amenities
Underwater Structures
19.863116, -71.821209

Recent Catches At North Atlantic Ocean (Bay Montecristi)

Jaxson Folkard


Great day on the water with Just Hook it Charters lost a marlin and a shark but caught 3 skipjack tuna

Skipjack tuna
20 lb 0 oz

Most Caught Fish Species At North Atlantic Ocean (Bay Montecristi)

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North Atlantic Ocean (Bay Montecristi)?
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