Recent Catches At North Atlantic Ocean (US/NY)

Donald Dyer

Jamie L
7' mako w a hook from a previous battle. Released to fight another day.

Philip Robinson
Not a giant but sill gonna have lots of sushi 😎

Ben W
Biggest perch I think I've ever caught

Jamie L
Great day to wrap up the season on the 33' Conch. Fish were thicker than the fleet. Went 4 for 8 on jigs and butterfish. Broken rod and all. Life was like watching an aquarium. Whales all day throughout the fleet.

Jamie L
Got out before the storm rolled in and went 5 for 6 on bluefin and yellowfin. Albies were so thick we stopped trolling and went to chunking. Had em basically eating out of our hands at the transom. Awesome experience.

Jamie L
2 bluefin, 2 yellowfin and a bunch of mahi today. Not many photos til the end

Luyen Chou