Recent Catches At North Atlantic Ocean (US/NC)

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
These little Sheepshead fight hard for their size. Used some fiddler crabs on a Carolina Rig and released them. The human looking teeth are awesome for crushing 🦀 🎣Tight Lines🎣

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
That was close, has anyone had any close encounters like this.

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
What a tank.

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
The biggest fish caught from a dock…

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
Good Morning Hunters and Anglers, and Happy New Year. Please do me a favor and check out Filthy Flounder Company out. 🚨This apparel company is new and it was started from 16 year brother and a 15 year old sister. Both of them are from NC and they make fishing and hunting apparel. I’m sure allot of you are thinking why I’m I posting custom baits and now apparel. I enjoy supporting small business. I’m not sponsored by anyone or get paid nor do I want too. Check him out below. 🔥His social media pages are below: 🚨Instagram: 🚨YouTube: 🚨TIk Tok: I’m sure he will follow you all back. 🎣Tight Lines🎣

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
Good afternoon and Happy Columbus Day We are smacking the Mack’s s this afternoon. We also caught a big Ribbon Fish too. 🎣Tight Lines🎣

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
Good evening everyone. I had a good day in the early afternoon catching some stud Spanish Macks and then later caught some LMB. Have a great night everyone. 🎣Tight Lines🎣

SpeckRedSlayer F.O.T.B NC
Super Windy earlier today 25-40 MPH then the winds calmed down. We were able to land some good eating size Reds. #Catch24