Recent Catches At Nerul River

Angler Battle Zone
Barracuda, tarpon and bigeye trevally.. couple of loss 😊 but it is part of the game...

Angler Battle Zone
Today again 😊

Angler Battle Zone
Caught again some nice fishes 😊

Angler Battle Zone
Tarpon and travely..☺️

Angler Battle Zone
Surf bream..

Angler Battle Zone
Surf bream..

Angler Battle Zone
Caught in just 15 minutes.. more two attempts miss 🤷♂️.. next time ☺️.. will be there and find them again ☺️.. have a nice time ahead 👍

Angler Battle Zone
Luckily I got this one because there were lots of boats around.. no matter what we were going through but our target always helped us. Keep focused on your fishing.will definitely get some.. have a nice day ahead 👍..