Recent Catches At Golfo de California

Kingfisher Mex.
KingFisherMex tournament

Kingfishermex BCS
sierras, Punta Arena, bcs México. YT channel Kingfisher Mex

Kingfishermex BCS
🔰You have fun, live together and eat what you catch. What more can you ask? 🤝GOOD VIBRA, GOOD FISHING‼ ️@kingfishermex 🔰Te diviertes, convives y comes lo que pescas. Que más puedes pedir? 🤝BUENA VIBRA, BUENA PESCA ‼️ #kingfishermex #inshorefishing #buenavibrabuenapesca #outshorefishing #daiwausa #Penn #LaPazBCS #MugenSeiki #BVBP #pargo #pargofrito #puntaarenas

Kingfishermex BCS
Fishing from shore in Baja Sur, Mexico. What is CABRILLA called in your country? This was captured between stones, I used the drag very tight so that it did not get between the stones. the yellowtail were caught on a continuous beach called Punta Arena. Follow our videos on YouTube. #kingfishermex

Carlos Gibert
Hooked up a 20 lbs yellowtail at North Point of Cerralvo Island.

Kingfishermex BCS
We are in a paradise, it is important to know and preserve it. Thanks for following us KingfisherMex Greetings. #buenavibrabuenapesca. #inshorefishing #puntarenas #kingfishermex #bajashop #okuma #daiwausa #daiwabg #todosantos #BVBP #outshorefishing

Kingfishermex BCS
Te diviertes, pescas y en ocasiones comes . Gracias por seguirnos 👉 KingfisherMex ‼️Buena Vibra, Buena Pesca‼️ You have fun, you fish and sometimes you eat. Thanks for following us 👉 KingfisherMex ‼ ️ Good Vibes, Good Fishing‼ ️ #buenavibrabuenapesca #kingfishermex #bajashop #daiwabg #daiwausa #BVBP #okuma #inshorefishing #todosantos #outshorefishing #Puntarenas #lapazbcs #spanishmackerel

Kingfishermex BCS
Screenshots of the next video. Inshore. Check it out soon here 👇 GOOD VIBRA, GOOD FISHING. Thanks for following the channel Photos of the next video.