Recent Catches At Loch Doon

Doug Shepherd
Wee broonie and perch from loch doon a couple month back :)

Doug Shepherd
Few perch from loch doon including first perch for my pal and first reasonable size perch that the missus caught (that i didn't delete the video of this time 😅)

Doug Shepherd
First wild broonie of the year! Right by the dam at Loch doon :) next to find that elusive 2lber+ 😀

Doug Shepherd
Fishing loch doon again late night last thursday and all day friday, pictures of a few of the brownies caught (even though we were targeting perch 😅) all released. Unfortunately it wont let me add the videos so have just had to screenshot. Also Ellen Amelia 's first wild brownie! :)

Doug Shepherd
Caught a fair few perch last weekend down at loch doon, couple of videos of the first catch of the day and Ellen Amelia first ever perch! :) #catch22

john webster
Had a great day down Loch doon. I had 11 and my mate had 9. Great day

Paul Black
youtube-paul black wild fishing thats the channel reached over 100 subscribers. i find the support overwhelming and humbling and id like to take this opportunity to say thanks to every single 1 of use who watched a video, commented and subscribed. thank use all so much. keep sharing with friends and family and il keep the content coming and relevant. thats a promise. thanks again guys and tightlines👍

Paul Black
praying for rain. new youtube video on, 1 of my favourite low salmon patterns. youtube-paul black wild fishing subscribe, hit the thumbs up and leave comments guys. thanks for all your support and il do my best to keep it coming👍