Recent Catches At Leam River

Lee Gordon
A quick 2hr evening session after work on bread & this cracking Chub took the prize & great fight in the dark,tight lines

wayne bidmead
Quick 2 hour session… looking for Chubb and land my first pike! Better than nothing 😀

Dave Smith
Not A Bad One To Christen The New Rod With 🎣🎣 I spent a few hours this evening, silvers fishing on my local #riverleam with my new @drennaninternational match Pro ultra rod. Managed to get a good bag of roach and rudd before this unit introduced itself to the net. It gave a good account of itself on such light tackle 😁

Lee Gordon
Good little for bream in fast water

Lee Gordon
Big fight on the feeder rod

Lee Gordon
All big quality Chub on a beautiful day but biggest surprise later on caught their Daddy Him was 4,1 lbs what a fight nearly took rod its & all on Brad flake they can't resist light line

Lee Gordon
Bread flake feeder