Fishing At

Irish Sea

6 Catches
Irish Sea is located in 54.134335, -3.337046. Download FishAngler to find the best places to fish at Irish Sea. Get local fishing reports with detailed catch information, weather conditions, top baits and more.
Access & Amenities
54.134335, -3.337046

Recent Catches At Irish Sea

scott lyon


After a challenging evening out on the boat our last mackerel got thrown only to produce the biggest fish of the day and my PB, was a pure fight from strike to boat 💪🦈

Tope shark
44 lb
14 likes • 3 comments

Sam Kidson


Haven’t posted much recently but here’s a few from over the summer 🦈 The fishing wasn’t as good as the last few years, maybe down the late start to the summer season. Still a great time though as always! Ready for the winter Pike fishing season now 🐊

Tope shark
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scott lyon


Great result from recent boat day with Sambo, nearly whipped my rod in on the take, can’t wait to get stuck into this season #Catch22

Tope shark

Sam Kidson


A rough start to the day hunting mackerel, we managed to get around 20 in the early season. Tried a couple of areas in deeper water with no results, so moved into shallower water around a wreck and had pollock and a tope each 🦈 lost 2 and landed 2. Dogfish stealing bait as usual. Ended up being a great day and it’ll only get better from here when the season is fully underway 😎 scott lyon

Tope shark
19 likes • 4 comments

Most Caught Fish Species At Irish Sea

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Irish Sea?
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