Recent Catches At Cow Lake

Joseph Smolcic
It is fun to top water there. Got my first fish using a top water lure (:

Sarah Sommerfeld
Todays fishing trip did not have a great start, I was not paying attention and caught a bit of a snow rut and it pulled my truck into a small ditch right by cow lake, I tried to get out myself but with all the small trees and big trees I was scratching up my passenger side bad, and close to denting it, a nice gentleman came by and helped pull me out, unfortunately my truck did get a couple dents and god knows how bad the scratches are. But we finally got out on cow lake at around 11:30 and got set up. Saw tons of pike on the camera but couldn’t figure out what they liked. Than had one on but it snapped my line, I was messing with my drag while I had it on and went to far. So I was really upset I missed that pike, then I caught a nice little one! Then closer to dark and seeing lots of pike but no bites I found what they liked! And I caught this big pike, I was so excited! My adrenaline was pumping I was shaking! This was my personal best pike! I was too excited and it’s throw back only so I didn’t measure or get a weight as I wanted to get it back into the water asap but we are thinking it was close to 32-34 inches! So the dent in my box now carries the memory of my personal best pike! Man what an experience!

Sarah Sommerfeld

Sarah Sommerfeld

Sarah Sommerfeld

Jeanie Regnier
So I think I caught my first minnow or yellow perch. Felt a bump and set the poor hook on this lil guy. Set him free so he can grow.

Tyson Fuchs
Caught three small pike and one decent one had a bigger one on the line but bent the hook out and came off

Kevin Dillman
First time at cow lake