Recent Catches At Murray River

James Kennedy

James Kennedy

James Kennedy

Greg Lee
Thought I would hit the banks and give the Azari Chase lure a go. On slow retrieve watched this yellowbelly nail the lure on the bank edge. Unreal!

Greg Lee
Not a hint of a yellowbelly lurking today,managed to land these 2 Catfish. Little Silver perch made it difficult to keep a scrubby on the hook for long which tests your patience when your chasing mamma or pappa. Hoping to get back trolling tomorrow.

Greg Lee
One of those days when I forgot my landing net and lost a decent yellowbelly. But made up for it with this redfin.

Greg Lee
Another bad day to troll so headed bank fishing again using in weighted scrub worms and land this yellowbelly at the lift pumps.

Greg Lee
Had another crack this arvo from the bank using unweighted scrubbies at the lift pumps, landed this reddy.