Recent Catches At Meander River

AussieFishHunter Channel
Only a little guy, first trout of the season

Nathan Wigg
my new pb 50 cm wild brown trout was 2.74 pounds on a black and gold curling tail minnow

Nathan Wigg
got this little guy to just put him back to grow great fun tho

Nathan Wigg
went down for 3 hours was a very slow got this nice Tench was 43 cm long and 2.76lb had a massive eel snap me off was about a metre long

Nathan Wigg
my partners first ever fish. a nice river black fish kept

Nathan Wigg
I got a little short finned eel and a tench. released the eel and kept the tench

Nathan Wigg
and got this little guy didn't measure just chucked him back to get bigger. great sign for the river tho

Nathan Wigg
got this beautiful wild brown trout on worms a good 41 cm and 1.50 pounds kept. great fight and had to land him over a big bank with black berry's glad it didn't snap my rod. need to get a landing net