Recent Catches At Marion Bay Jetty

Sizza The Fisha
2 Strongies speared at foul bay

The Three Anglers
Big stingray, the boys, cooked salmon and a massive salmon.

The Three Anglers
Fish off Point Turton

James Bell
Biggest Tuna and Biggest Squid for the Day 😁 I tell you what you have to respect the Ocean for many reasons, one being how dangerous the swell can be especially when going out really far, just Glad it was a big boat, always make sure you have the right safety Equipment and Emergency devices, Fire extinguisher, Epirb, inflatable life raft, life jackets, proper comms and nav equipment etc for peace of mind. Even though once the Tuna started running all the worries went out the window 😅. Glad to be back on land, but can't wait for the next trip Stay safe and tight lines 🤘

James Bell
Well tick the Tuna of the bucket list, and PB Squid! Was pretty wild weather but chased those birds and found the bait fish and got the Bag limit! Never had a fish fight like that, absolutely incredible experience, one I certainly won't ever forget!

James Bell
Well I got the baby one of the group starting to think last nights antics was maybe a Kingy, all fun and games put this little fella back 👌

James Bell
First squid in a while 😃 Monster snook snapped my 30lb leader with its teeth on a rubber squid with ball sinker in its head with a long shank hook and squid on the hook, absolutely smashed me and only had the one, anyone wants to nail snook get white or pink, work a treat. Going for Tuna tomorrow stay tuned 😎😃

fishing Sister
Combined effort, and I got my PB for a garfish.36cm! Beautiful day.