Fishing At

River Derwent

128 Catches
River Derwent is located in -42.837522, 147.327394. Download FishAngler to find the best places to fish at River Derwent. Get local fishing reports with detailed catch information, weather conditions, top baits and more.
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-42.837522, 147.327394

Recent Catches At River Derwent

Kyle Byard


Rainbow trout
6 lb 10 oz
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Kyle Byard


Brown trout
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Mike Kelly


Just two little ones today. Very healthy, a lot of pepper in them for such a small fish. Caught from shore in top of the water column on the Daiwa Infeet Sazanami 60SP Adel Rice Fish colour. Slow draw and pause for the bite.

Southern Black bream

Mike Kelly


Just two little ones today. Very healthy, a lot of pepper in them for such a small fish. Caught from shore in top of the water column on the Daiwa Infeet Sazanami 60SP Adel Rice Fish colour. Slow draw and pause for the bite.

Southern Black bream

Mike Kelly


Black Bream caught in the last half hour of light just before the slackwater on the top of the high tide. Fishing in 300mm of water over the gravel from the shore using the Atomic Hardz 65mm Suspending Jerkbait in Purple Pacey colour. Slow draw and pauae followed by a slow roll and pause. Nice way to end the day.

Southern Black bream

Mike Kelly


Last few casts in the fading light had me on a beautiful black bream to round out the session. Caught from the banks in 300mm of still water on the high tide. Caught on the Atomic Purple Pacey 65mm Suspending jerkbait.

Southern Black bream

Mike Kelly


First Trout of the Derwent River winter run. Land based in about 600mm of water, dead calm and crystal clear. Hooked up at right at the end of my casting distance. He was a little sleepy at first but when he saw the shore approaching the reel started screaming. Bring on winter! This guy was chomping on the Atomic Hardz 65mm Suspending jerk on a slow roll and pause. 6lb fluoro leader, 6lb braid

Brown trout

Mike Kelly


Working the incoming tide over the ledge with a 65mm suspending jerkbait in gold. Fading light and still water. Lots of salmon in the top water. Sandstone outcrop leads out to a small weedy drop about 20m off shore where the bream were holding. Landed three in about 30mins of fishing, two in their 20s, and just the one tipping 32cm today. In the last of the light, the bream will happily rise up a bit for a final ambush in the topwater, which saves me going for the deep cranks and potentially snagging up on the weedy rock ledges. Will do more recon around here as this whole stretch has proven its potential as a dedicated black bream location.

Southern Black bream
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River Derwent?
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