Recent Catches At Moreton Bay

Butsy .
My PB! Didn't think they'd get this big!!

Butsy .
Caught on a sabiki rig 😂 surprised it didn't snap

Not only was Sunday Australia Day, but it was my first time chasing squid with my mate in his big boat. We started off before the sun came up and headed out through Morton Bay to my mates squid grounds. After the sun came up, it didn't long before the drag on the light gear started screaming, and my mate reeled in our first tiger squid. I couldn't believe my eyes at the changing colours of these creatures, absolutely magnificent. Not long after, it was my turn. As I slowly retrieved my squid jig I saw a large tiger squid come out of the blue and absolutely smash it. Mand these things are aggressive and so much fun. It went a bit quiet after the large sea turtles and boat and jetski traffic picked up, so I got taken on a coastal tour of Morton Island where I saw the old WW2 bunkers, the magnificent sand dunes and the famous wrecks of Tangalooma, what an experience. It doesn't get much more Australian than cruising through the bay with AC/DC cranking on the stereo. We then headed to a few of my mates marks in search of bait, mackerel, and snapper. We found some good sized herring and yakka on bait jigs. We dropped a couple down on the bait runners ( yep, it was time to test out the new outfit) only for us to get sharked. We weren't playing that game, so we headed back to chase some more squid, and chase them we did. The wind picked up late in the afternoon, and we headed home accross the bay with smiles on our faces. All up, we boated 13 tiger squid, saw heaps of sea turtles and 2 dugong. It was an experience I will never forget. Get out and get amongst it 🤙🦑💯

Butsy .
Whiting is good fun for the kids!

Richard Quinn

Leigh Dower

Leigh Dower

Milo Wilson-Chalon