Recent Catches At Mary River

Emma-Louise Harvey
It’s pleasing to see a health stock of fish. Another nice Barramundi on the books. #FishingNT #Barramundi #CatchAndRelease #BaitNWin #DarwinNT #TopEndFishing #CorroboreeBillabong

Emma-Louise Harvey
My daughter with her first Northern Saratoga - picked up casting the lilly’s. #Saratoga #CatchAndRelease #Tagged #BaitNWin #Australia #Darwin #OzFish #GeofishScience #YouFishWeScience

Emma-Louise Harvey
Escaping lockdown for some good fishing. Another nice little Barra released for another day ☺️ #Barramundi #CatchAndRelease #Tagged #BaitNWin #Australia #Darwin #OzFish #GeofishScience #YouFishWeScience #GirlsCanFish ❤️

Emma-Louise Harvey
Our COVID lockdown breakout - on the water for a solid 3 days saw plenty caught. My son picking up this nice Saratoga, released for another day. #Saratoga #CatchAndRelease #Tagged #BaitNWin #Australia #Darwin #OzFish #GeofishScience #YouFishWeScience

Emma-Louise Harvey
Very reluctant to hold this one with its needle teeth - I did a good job of untangling the braid wrapped around its teeth 😬. I am still to determine exactly which garfish this is. #Garfish #CorroboreeBillagong #BaitNWin #EscapedLockdown #TonkaToughGirls

Emma-Louise Harvey
Nice big toga from Corroboree

Emma-Louise Harvey
Nice little Barra from Corroboree