Recent Catches At Narara Creek

Logan Petty

Logan Petty

Logan Petty

Cooper Armstrong
First ever salmon on lure going 52cm full video on YouTube at 3METERDOG

Kc Jay
Good to be back on the water in the yak

Cooper Armstrong

Kc Jay
Day for it! Flat Dog city, if your second guessing getting a yak.. don't it's well worth the money, this lizard was one hell of a battle. All up 11 fish, 1 bream and EP, 9 flatties. 67cm is the new PB 👌🏽

Kc Jay
Very slow morning but the fish turn on ! Smash two PBS with a monster 43cm EP and bream at 35cm. Zerek deep driver lure 2 breams, 2 flatties, 3 EPs all over 30 plus