Fishing At

Berringer Lake

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4 Catches
Berringer Lake is located in -35.255759, 150.494944. Download FishAngler to find the best places to fish at Berringer Lake. Get local fishing reports with detailed catch information, weather conditions, top baits and more.
Access & Amenities
Boat Ramp
-35.255759, 150.494944

Recent Catches At Berringer Lake

Brady Hewston


finally got out for a cast after breaking my rod about two weeks back . the new 722 raider i picked up is perfect for casting the 95mm sugarpens around . size 12 plugger in the photo . was hoping for 42cm but it only came in at 39cm. (the others came in at 36cm) . made a good feed 👌

27 likes • 1 comment

Brady Hewston


not much for size today but heaps of the smaller product about . this one gave me a good fight so he deserved a photo before I let him swim off .

Dusky flathead
27 likes • 2 comments

Brady Hewston


quick flick this arvo . only three but one wasn't to bad . . . great fight on 6 pound flouro

Dusky flathead
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