Raymond De Los Santos At Hume Ponds
6 Catfish
scotty craig
I did not even now it was on it just shot at me and boom there's a nice brown trout on the size 6 gold panther Martin.
scotty craig
it was a sucker that gave me a fight a lot like a bass and will now catch me a big cat!!!!
Shane Nunn
night fishing boysen
googan squad
it took 24 minutes just to land it.
Lyall Brimmer
A Browny that I set free after abducting him from his family .. he probably will now make an appearance on the Jerry Springer show .. so really in all actuality I probably did him a favor because he’s never been to New York.. good for him.. ya!
Lyall Brimmer
I caught this on a grasshopper fly .. 16”or 17” German brown .. aka Hans .. I very seldom keep fish because of the fish aids.. but I kept him .. he will make a delicious smoothie😦