Brandon Duvall At Unnamed / Northgate Dr Pond
Brandon Duvall At Unnamed / Northgate Dr Pond
Second bass of spawn
Brandon Duvall At Unnamed / Northgate Dr Pond
First bass of the season with the homies
Brandon Duvall At Unnamed / Northgate Dr Pond
First fish of the year with my homie
Brandon Farmer At Unnamed / Harbor Towne Dr Pond
Caught my first cat since a kid at this lake today, warning, there were signs that said residents of the neighborhood or guests of residents can only fish here.
Brandon Duvall At Unnamed / Harbor Towne Dr Pond
Brandon Duvall At Unnamed / Harbor Towne Dr Pond
This lake at Eagle Harbor is the best for cat fishing and wanting to catch bigger fish like bass or try to catch your pb here
Brandon Duvall At Unnamed / Northgate Dr Pond