Braden Neilson
Hooked this carp after about a half hour of trying with my homemade bait. my son videoed it. It was a great time out on the water the day after the Fourth of July.
Travis Laut At Weber River
It's not a bonnethead, stupid fish identifier. It's a channel cat. Got a couple yesterday.
Travis Laut At Weber River
Travis Laut At Weber River
And seen some wildlife 🤟
Travis Laut At Weber River
Also got to do a little bow action, oh what fun!
Katelyn Rose At Ogden Bay Waterflow Management Area
What kind of little fish is this hahaha can’t tell if it’s a trout baby or a perch?
Kaydee Trueba
caught some pretty blue gill last night.
Kaydee Trueba
My dad took me fishing for my birthday. Sadly the one I caught that was bigger than this broke off as we pulled him into the boat. All in all it was a good day for fishing.