Joseph Espinosa At Tingley Beach Pond
Texas rig
JARR 1989 At Tingley Beach Pond
Not the topwater I expected. Size 60 munkey butt whopper plopper
Deacon Sanchez At Tanoan Country Club Pond
Deacon Sanchez At Tanoan Country Club Pond
Deacon Sanchez At Tanoan Country Club Pond
Troy Sandoval
Johnathon Bierma At Tingle Beach Pond
Another decent fish out of Tingley.
Johnathon Bierma At Tingley Beach Pond
Finally managed to snag something decent out of Tingley. Caught two other dinks on the same bait, all within 2 - 10 feet from the shore. This girl was bedded down right beneath the log on the north side of the stocking truck ramp.