Louis Devito At Natco Lake
Nice bass light tackle 12lb test light rod nice fight.
alfredo vargas Vargas At Raritan Bay
Great night
Stephen Krambeck At Raritan Bay
I finally feel like I beat the ocean. Got to the point just at the end of a blitz, had a good half hour of getting at least hits on every cast of my popper, couldn’t keep a piece of bunker in the water for more than 2 minutes. Couldn’t take more photos or measurements cause I waded out but every fish was around 2 foot. Great day.
Michael Lang
Not a huge striper but I’m glad they’re around and biting
Wilmer Calix At Raritan Bay
Blood worms
Danny Coco At Natco Lake
5 fish in the rain and 45 degree temperature, 22 mile an hour end wind on zoom swimming super fluke. No one else fishing
Danny Coco At Natco Lake
Yesterday. 1 on a crank bait and 2 on keitchum black and red fat impact swim bait.