SnAkEhEaD SlAyEr At Newton Creek
#3 on ultra light..PS: My fiancée also got 2 💪🎣💯
SnAkEhEaD SlAyEr At Newton Creek
#2 on the ultra light
SnAkEhEaD SlAyEr At Newton Creek
#1 today #Carch23
SnAkEhEaD SlAyEr At Newton Creek
Tried the spinner a few more casts and he hammered it, nice fight too....sadly had to dispatch and give to a friend to eat it due to invasiveness
Robert Konefal At Newton Creek
Look towards the bases mouth j tell me what bait that is cause this website has no idea what a kietech swim bait is
Robert Konefal At Newton Creek
pitching woolley beaver into heavy cover nice fight river bass are tough
Ray Gransden Jr
A couple nice catches today now that it’s a bit cooler