Cayl Lykins At Sunset Park Pond
Current Personal Best Catfish, caught on a small #10 hook with a half nightcrawler.
Ronnie Mendoza At Sunset Park Pond
Nice Fathers Day catch. Out with the kiddos. Not to mention it was on my ultralight with 2lb line on a size #10 hook w/ sweet born. Such a good time.
Kevin Battiest At Sunset Park Pond
Bjorn DaBeeThief At Sunset Park Pond
By far the biggest fish of any species I've ever caught.
Bjorn DaBeeThief At Sunset Park Pond
Bjorn DaBeeThief At Sunset Park Pond
Trash fish? More like trash fishermen. Love the fight love the look love the fish. Catching on a fly rod set up for big fish.
Bjorn DaBeeThief At Sunset Park Pond
Very large carp. Fights hard and long. Make sure you know what you are doing or you will lose your lures.
Bjorn DaBeeThief At Sunset Park Pond