Robbin Banks At Olive Creek Lake
A few crappies from a coouple weeks ago a Olive Creek
Robbin Banks At Olive Creek Lake
Couple small saugeyes from a couple weeks ago at Olive Creek
Robbin Banks At Olive Creek Lake
A bunch of decent gills from a couple weeks ago when I went down to Olive Creek
Robbin Banks At Olive Creek Lake
Here's a few rom earlier today before the rain rolled in
Thomas Richey At Salt Creek Reservoir 25-A
Robbin Banks At Olive Creek Lake
Found a couple crappies, too
Robbin Banks At Olive Creek Lake
Got my first saugeyes of the year
Robbin Banks At Salt Creek Reservoir 25-A
Did some spot checking last night after work. I hadn't been t the spots east of Crete since we got all the rain in July and August, so I wanted to check water levels. They're all up. Not full, but up a ways