Robbin Banks At Wild Plum Lake
Casted a couple times at Wild Plum last night, but I knew I wasn't staying.
Robbin Banks At Wild Plum Lake
Got a couple gills, too
Robbin Banks At Wild Plum Lake
Got a few gills tonight. Only one real good one. I dont know what my deal was tonight. #catch22
Robbin Banks At Wild Plum Lake
Got 3, missed 2. Im a freaking bum. #catch22
PAPA SCOTT At Walnut Creek Reservoir Number 5
Not bad. 5 total
Robbin Banks At Haines Branch Run-Off
Didnt finish the job till 7:30 tonight, so hitting the lake wasnt happening. Luckily, the property we poured our footing on had a pond. I was eyeing it all day. #catch22
Robbin Banks At Haines Branch Run-Off
I caught maybe 7 or 8 dinks. Nothing bigger than 8". My fishing buddy, who is also my co-worker caught 2 at around 15". Whoever is moving into this new home is very lucky to have this pond 150 yds from their back door. #catch22
Robbin Banks At Wild Plum Lake
Couple big gills and a small one