Linda Guerue At Rock River
Sitting on the dock of bay having a good time fishing time away!!! Lol #catch22
Linda Guerue At Unnamed / S Walnut Ave Lake
Good morning. Sunfish on hook many more like it lots fun hook up pretty babies but Tuttles had same idea and got jealous and snap a few lines on I caught a bass had it landed and it manage get away what away #catch22
Linda Guerue At Rock River
We'll this won.t work for me yesterday bullhead in the menu uall!! #catch22
Linda Guerue At Rock River
OK. Just what the doctor order lots sunshine and water. #catch22
Linda Guerue At Rock River
Thus baby is got to be #catch22 ???
Linda Guerue At Rock River
Catch 22#
Linda Guerue At Rock River
Now this got be catch#22 mother nature blow me off lol!!
Linda Guerue At Rock River
I'm retired and trying to enjoy life 🙃 I love ❤ 😍 fishing. !!!!