Zach Burton At Twin Lake
Zach T At Twin Lake
Zach Burton At Twin Lake
Biggest largemouth I’ve caught to date.
Storm Galloway At Wirth Lake
Largemouth on pink spoon. Ned jigs and grass jig with crawdad trailer didn’t work prior. Late summer
Storm Galloway At Twin Lake
Largemouth bass
Jeff Gavin At Ski Jump Pond
My wife caught this on her second cast with an ultralight panfish rod, fight lasted a good 5-10 minutes. I had spent the whole afternoon climbing around in the mud to catch one not nearly this big.
Jeff Gavin At Ski Jump Pond
Carp are so underrated. Took me a long time to get the fish in the first photo. They bolted at any sign something wasn't right so I had to sneak up on them. heck of a fight.
Matthew Lindberg At Wirth Lake
first slab of the year