Steve Nickerson At Presumpscot River
Given the mashed face, I caught this same fish December 16th. He was just as entertaining to catch the 2nd time. He was released safely, maybe I’ll see him again in another couple of weeks. lol
Steve Nickerson At Presumpscot River
Found a whole bed of brookies and netted 8 of them in about half an hour. What a blast! And look at those bright winter colors 😮
Steve Nickerson At Presumpscot River
River fishing is slowing way down but this one was worth it. Devoured my fly but somehow I retrieved it and he lived to be caught again.
Steve Nickerson At Presumpscot River
Hooked a bigger one than this on the previous cast but lost it. This one was “good enough” though! This completed three of the four salmonid species locally in the last week…I’ll have to go “hunting” for a rainbow to complete the quartet.
Steve Nickerson At Presumpscot River
Only one, but it was worth it.
Steve Nickerson At Presumpscot River
New PB trout…not my typical brookie but I’ll take it!!! Literally snapped my fly rod and I had to land it pulling in the line by hand! 😝
Hunter Thomas At GORHAM POND (NORTH)
Hunter Thomas At GORHAM POND (NORTH)