Nikhil Patel At Unnamed / Southbranch Dr Pond
Sorry for all the grass on this guy he flopped so much the grass stuck to him.
Jamie Vanzuuk At Kettlestone Commons East
After that one we cought a 6 pound large mouth fun
yeahboithicc H͓̽$͓̽k͓̽ ! At Unnamed / SE University Ave Pond
#catch23 caught these big catfish today on a leftover steak! 😂
yeahboithicc H͓̽$͓̽k͓̽ ! At Unnamed / SE University Ave Pond
By far the craziest day of my life! Caught my biggest fish ever on a leftover hamburger 😂. Man what an experience!
Corbin Truitt At Kettlestone Commons West
Corbin Truitt At Kettlestone Commons East
Corbin Truitt At Kettlestone Commons East
largest aquatic life i’ve ever seen or caught. Split the YUM dinger. 4.35lbs🎣 temp:109 ☀️
Corbin Truitt At Kettlestone Commons West