Daniel Meserve At Pawnee Pond
Definitely my PB. Of course I didn't have my scale with me anywhere from high six to low eight tell me what y'all think.
Caleb Safier At Unnamed / Conesus Ln Pond
All you have to do is ask and you can get back to the pond. This one isn’t big but I’ve caught big ones before. Not sure the length but that’s a guess.
Mike Hall At Tuscawilla Pond
First fish on the makeshift fly pole. I have no clue what I’m doing but it’s fun.
Mike Hall At Unnamed / Conesus Ln Pond
Decent little 2 pounder on a fluke
Daniel Meserve At Pawnee Pond
Daniel Meserve At Pawnee Pond
Marcus Lewis
Marcus Lewis At Ranchlands Park Pond