Top Fish Species In Norwich, Connecticut

AlanGarcia Tattoos cell At Shetucket River
Kelsey Preneta At Spaulding Pond
AlanGarcia Tattoos cell At Shetucket River
Atticus Hamilton At Spaulding Pond
Caught this PB channel catfish today on beef liver! Was definitely a surprise catch!
Atticus Hamilton At Spaulding Pond
I caught this awesome brook trout and rainbow trout today while fishing using chicken liver at my favorite catfish pond! Unfortunately, the Little Brook Trout also had an old jig stuck in the roof of his mouth. I made sure to remove the old lure before I let him go! He swam away healthier than he did when he bit my chicken liver. Remember everybody, keep our waters clean by disposing of your trash properly to ensure a healthy ecosystem!
Atticus Hamilton At Spaulding Pond
This was my first Connecticut channel catfish I caught, and it was on hot dogs. I guess the catfish in Colorado and Connecticut both love chicken hot dogs!
Danis Michaud At Shetucket River
#Catch23 Penn real ugly stick for a rod
Danis Michaud At Shetucket River
#catch 23 first big one this year