Lou Botomy At Lake O'Neill
It was a Crappie day in a good way.
Cristo Gomez At Lake O'Neill
My 5 year old....YES! 5 YEAR OLD!!! Caught these 2 beauties! Didn't have a way to measure them but had my 13 yo stepson hold up the bigger bass he caught cause my little guy couldn't hold it up by himself. Used a bass catching method he learned from a YouTube video
Cristo Gomez At Lake O'Neill
Cristo Gomez At Lake O'Neill
A few crappie off a baby shad/jig head
Lou Botomy At Lake O'Neill
Battle today! Only 1 hit, but it paid off.
Lou Botomy At Lake O'Neill
Another solid morning.
Lou Botomy At Lake O'Neill
Solid day!
Lou Botomy At Lake O'Neill
Catfish easy pickin' today.