Youngblood 204 At Watson Lake
Romeo Hernandez At Watson Lake
Mr Will, H$K At Watson Lake
Found a nice little hike to fish without weed, which is rare here. Got this nice cat after about an hour of chilling. Super strong, almost though he was a carp at first. Beautiful sunset!
Mr Will, H$K At Watson Lake
Last one of the night. This one also covered in weeds, I had to dig it out. Small, but a great fight. Old warhorse, it has all kinds of marks, faded and new.
Mr Will, H$K At Watson Lake
With so much weed, the bite indicators don't even go off. You get a few pulls and that's it. They sit there in the grass and weeds until you get them in. I had this pole sit for an hour, before I reeled it in to rebait only to realize I had a fish. This one was large enough though to get above it on the retrieval and fight. Awesome fish, fat and all muscle.
Mr Will, H$K At Watson Lake
This lake is so weedy that you pull up 20lbs of salad with your fish. After you get him out, you have to untangle your line. Fight was overpowered by the weight of it. But dug it out for pictures
Mr Will, H$K At Watson Lake
In a new spot, found some cool fish but trying to figure out how to catch on as they didn't hit on any of my bait. But this catfish did, and it was welcome catch since it was a new spot. Definitely need to spend some more time here.
Marco Gomez
Got here early in the morning, my first one having a good time with friends and family