Huever Uy At Swan River
Dakoda Mountford At Swan River
Good little catch
Linkin Martin At Swan River
Caught 4 close to size and about 6 around 15cm
Lewis Spurr At Swan River
First fish from the swan, big boy
Josef Stanford At Swan River
New to fishing using a circle hook with freshly peeled prawns. Catched and released quickly after the video. One big question though! Should I use smaller hooks or 1/0 for fishing along the river banks?? I get bites but everytime I leave the fish to hook themselves they make off with my prawns!!!
Cameron Cherubino At Swan River
First ever Bream. Happy with the size for my first... great fun to catch.
Wayne Curti At Swan River
Ended up with five bream this afternoon 28cm 26cm the other 3 were between 22cm and 24cm. Good solid bites on raw chicken (first time using it). happy days 😁
Aaron Siroen At Swan River