Nico Guijt At Maribyrnong River
Couple of little ones on a nice day. Where the big bream hiding?
Nico Guijt At Maribyrnong River
First mullet. Hooked straight through the gill but released it in the hope it would be alright or that it would make a good meal for a bigger fish out there
Petal LaRoux At Maribyrnong River
2 fish in 10 minutes down at the Maribyrnong!
Petal LaRoux At Maribyrnong River
About 5 minutes after setting up at the Maribyrnong. Unfortunately snapped a reel so hand to pull in by hand
Petal LaRoux At Maribyrnong River
Brand new to fishing. Can anyone confirm what species please? Caught in the marybynong
pete White At Maribyrnong River
caught it using fresh mussel